The East Atlantic Flyway of Coastal Birds50 Years of Exciting Moments in Nature Conservation and Research

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东大西洋航道是数百万滨鸟迁徙的壮观路线,从北极繁殖地到欧洲和非洲的越冬地,全长 16,000 公里。 在无畏的鸟类学家的陪伴下,我们探索岸鸟迁徙的秘密,深入研究鸟类生物学、海岸景观和荒野。 他们的故事揭示了 “一串珍珠 “的诞生–沿飞行路线的保护区,这是共同努力的结果。 尽管存在气候变化等威胁,但这些故事为未来带来了希望和乐观,因为它们强调了保护工作以及了解鸟类生物学和行为的重要性。


产品代码 MON0054

ISBN: 978-84-16728-69-5

SKU: MON0054 分类: , ,


Dansk Ornitologisk Forenings Tidsskrift (DOFT),2024 年


1.200 kg


21 × 28 厘米








March 2024


Lynx Nature Books


沿着东大西洋航道踏上一段非同寻常的旅程,这是一条壮观的航线,数以百万计的滨鸟在北极的繁殖地和欧洲及非洲的越冬地之间穿行。 这些非凡的生物每年两次,行程长达 16,000 公里,是地球上最令人敬畏的自然奇观之一。

在这本引人入胜的书中,我们将跟随一队无畏的鸟类学家揭开海岸鸟类迁徙的神秘面纱。 通过他们交织在一起的故事,我们对鸟类惊人的迁徙模式、繁殖和越冬栖息地以及重要的中途停留地点有了深刻的了解。

深入鸟类生物学和行为学的奇妙世界,我们将目睹蓝绿色海岸景观的奇观、苔原的壮美以及这些鸟类赖以生存的原始荒野。 一路上,我们发现了教育、社区参与、宣传和国际合作在保护沿途珍贵景点方面的重要作用。

通过发现、偶然和坚定承诺的故事,我们见证了不同国家的热心人士的合作努力。 他们坚定不移的奉献精神促成了 “一串珍珠 “的诞生–一个由国家公园和其他保护区组成的网络,保护着飞行路线上的重要栖息地。

本书在赞颂海岸鸟类保护工作取得的卓越成就的同时,也指出了这些鸟类面临的持续威胁。 气候变化、栖息地丧失和人类活动对它们的生存构成了重大挑战。

尽管存在这些障碍,本书中介绍的故事和成果还是为未来带来了一丝希望和乐观。 通过了解岸鸟令人难以置信的恢复力和适应性,并继续建立强有力的国际伙伴关系,我们可以努力确保这些非凡的生物及其赖以生存的栖息地得到持续保护。

– 深入剖析沿海鸟类的迁徙策略。
– 通过该书,您可以近距离了解它们在繁殖地和越冬地之间的各个阶段。
– 强调国际合作和知识交流在岸上鸟类和鹅类研究中的重要意义。
– 庆祝东大西洋航道保护区 “珍珠项链 “的建立。
– 应对气候变化和栖息地丧失带来的挑战。
– 为海岸鸟类保护的未来带来希望和乐观的信息。

东大西洋沿海鸟类迁徙路线:自然保护和研究的 50 年精彩瞬间》是任何对自然世界着迷的人,尤其是鸟类爱好者和保护主义者的必读书。 这证明了科学合作的力量,也证明了那些致力于保护地球奇迹的人们坚定不移的奉献精神。

The East Atlantic Flyway of Coastal Birds50 Years of Exciting Moments in Nature Conservation and Research 有 1 个评价

  1. 英语

    Martin Hiller

    Perhaps the most impressive network in the world

    The term networking could refer to a good internet connection or a large circle of friends. Networks in nature seem far more important since interdependence is one of the most essential ecological principles.
    Migratory birds can cover thousands of kilometres on their flight paths to get from their southern wintering spaces to the northern breeding grounds. The energy expenditure for these marathon trips is huge, and so the birds depend on feeding stations on the way where they can boost their reserves in a short time to then attack the next long stage.

    The East Atlantic flyway stretches from southern Africa via such “snack stations” in West Africa – e.g. the famous Banc d’ Arguin in Mauritania – to the European west coast, with its hub in the Wadden Sea between the British Isles and the Continent´s West coast from France to Denmark. Then further, either north-east to the Siberian tundra and coastal region (centrepieces include the Taimyr Peninsula and the delta of the Siberian Lena River), or north-west to Svalbard, Iceland, Greenland and north-eastern Canada.

    The Bar-tailed Godwit, for example, breeds in the high Arctic, but stays over winter in Western Europe, the Mediterranean or even further south in West Africa. It holds the world record among long-distance flyers: a godwit fitted with a transmitter by researchers flew a total of 11,600 kilometres in nine days – non-stop!

    This richly illustrated book brings the various stations of the East Atlantic flyways closer to the reader through a variety of well-told stories, and it demonstrates the long struggle to secure the core zones without which bird migration would collapse. Peter Prokosch and co-authors tell the amazing story of these landscapes and their flora and fauna with profound expertise and many years of experience. And they describe the critical contributions of those who value and love these flyways and have done so much to save them.

    A great gift for all bird lovers and ornithologists, for all those interested in nature conservation, and those who simply want to marvel at a wonder of nature.

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