Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World

(14 条用户评价)





(HMW) 的整个系列,现在我们很高兴能提供一份新的、全面的《世界哺乳动物图解清单》。 这部最新著作更新了目前公认的每种哺乳动物的分类法,提供了一套完整的核对表,共两卷。



ISBN: 978-84-16728-36-7 (2 Volume Set)

SKU: ILCHKMA 分类: , 标签:


Guillermo D’Elía 和 Pablo Teta,《哺乳动物学杂志》,102(5):1445-1446,2021 年 10 月

“就我而言,我发现这本制作精美的《世界哺乳动物图解名录》非常鼓舞人心,而且,也许毫不奇怪,它重新激发了我寻找一些我一直想看到的哺乳动物的兴趣。对于那些对哺乳动物有着浓厚兴趣的人来说,这本书为他们提供了一个无与伦比的机会,为他们的图书馆增添了一些非常特别的东西,很难想象他们会不想拥有这本书。对于那些已经购买了 HMW 系列的读者来说,该书的目录提供了分类学方面的重要更新,而地图和插图也根据新出版的信息进行了全面改进。即使是对哺乳动物只是一知半解的鸟类爱好者也可能会对这本书感到非常满意,虽然它绝不是一本野外指南,但它的插图与地图相结合,可能会有助于人们在任何观鸟之旅中识别观察到或拍摄到的哺乳动物”。

弗兰克-兰伯特,《鸟类学家图书馆》,2021 年 3 月

“插图美轮美奂,给人一种活灵活现、眉清目秀的感觉–也许面对几十只阿尔蒂科拉山地田鼠时,这只是一个无关紧要的问题,但面对西法卡斯或豹纹亚种时,就令人叹为观止了。 /…/

这部庞大的巨著价格不菲,但却能让您沉浸其中,作为今后多年的参考资料。 从分类学的角度来说,它更倾向于分裂而不是块状,这也将为它作为一种决定性的保护工具插上翅膀,因为随着地球升温,许多哺乳动物物种,无论是隐蔽的还是独特的,都变得越来越濒危。

大卫-卡拉汉,《观鸟》,2021 年 2 月 (344: 53)

“然而,这并不’仅仅’是 HMW 的简要介绍。它以 HMW 为基线,增加了自 HMW 相关卷出版以来描述的约 180 个物种。这些物种附有 800 多幅全新插图。这些新资料与购买决策密切相关。对于拥有九卷本《世界哺乳动物志》的哺乳动物爱好者来说,这些新内容足以证明他们的花费是值得的。对于那些书架还没有被这些书压垮的人来说,购买这套两件套肯定是没有问题的。至少对这位编辑来说,《世界哺乳动物图解清单》已经是我必备的哺乳动物资料了。

James Lowen,《新热带鸟类》28,2021 年,第 74-75 页

“ICMW》的出版恰逢其时,因为近年来哺乳动物分类学发展迅速,而且第一卷《HMW》早在十多年前的 2009 年就已出版。/……/《ICMW》是一项重大成就,其中充满了相关信息,加上高质量的插图和更新的分布图,它将在未来数年内成为一本精美的参考书”。

Frank E. Zachos , Mammalian Biology (2021) 101:125-126

“世界哺乳动物图解名录》的编辑工作独具匠心,它不仅是一份分类汇编,而且还通过图像邀请人们探索和了解哺乳动物的多样性。与过去所有的作品相比,该书以其简洁易读的特点,使读者有机会看到数量相当的物种。与《世界哺乳动物手册》(Wilson 和 Mittermeier,2009-2019 年)相比,它的表现堪称完美”。

Frédéric Duhart,Analíticos 2020, No. 2, pp.


6.4 kg


24 × 31 厘米








September 2020


Lynx Edicions


世界哺乳动物手册 世界哺乳动物手册 (HMW) 是一本史无前例、图文并茂的哺乳动物类参考书。 这套丛书共有 9 本大开本,介绍和图解了目前公认的所有哺乳动物物种,并详细概述了每个哺乳动物科。 该书提供了有关所有哺乳动物的进化关系、自然史、生态学和保护现状的最新信息。 每个物种都配有插图,每个科的章节都有哺乳动物活动的精美彩色照片。 HMW 提供了全面的全球覆盖范围,由国际专家作者组成,每位作者都是各自哺乳动物类群的权威。

我们花了数年时间才完成整个系列的制作,现在我们很高兴能提供一份新的、全面的《 世界哺乳动物图解名录》。 这部最新著作更新了目前公认的每种哺乳动物的分类法,共两卷。 HMW 遵循传统的公认分类方法,以《世界哺乳动物物种》(Wilson 和 Reeder,2005 年)为基础,但做了一些改进。 每一卷都吸收了作者们的观点,他们都是各自领域公认的权威。 每一卷都考虑了新物种的描述和正在进行的系统性修订,这些都不断增加我们对哺乳动物系统发育关系的了解。 正在进行的分类工作和最近使用新分子技术的研究彻底改变了我们分析进化关系的能力。 这使得几乎每一类哺乳动物的物种数量都发生了翻天覆地的变化。

新的图文并茂的核对表收录了最近出版的所有修订版,并为每个物种编写了新的简要物种说明。 除了每个物种的最新学名外,还包括英文、法文、德文和西班牙文的俗名,以及《世界自然保护联盟红色名录》。 世界自然保护联盟红色名录 保护类别。 分类注释更新了最近的变化,还包括最新的分布情况。 如果确认了亚种,则会更新亚种及其目前的分布情况。 每个物种的介绍都附有一幅全彩科学插图,该插图改编自前几卷,并附有最新的分布图。

如果您拥有整套《HMW》,那么您一定会想要添加这套最新的卷册,以提供目前所有公认物种的最新信息,包括最近描述的形态。 世界哺乳动物图解名录》还可以作为目前公认的每种哺乳动物的分类和分布情况的完整独立摘要。

穆罕默德-本-扎耶德物种保护基金总经理 Razan Al Mubarak 的前言。


  • 27 目、167 科、1,343 属、6,554 种(104 种已灭绝,19 种已驯化)。
  • 书中有 7,150 多幅插图,包括 700 幅灵长类动物的新插图和 100 多幅其他类群的插图。
  • 包括 6431 幅分布图。

Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World 有 14 个评价

  1. 英语

    Hans (验证用户)

    Excellent books to discover the rich world of the complete species of mammals from all around the world.

  2. 英语

    Terrageo (验证用户)

    Another great publication. These two volumes will get a lot of use in the next few years. Appreciate the breakdown into two volumes of reasonable weight. A great way to quickly check potential species present. Some of the species splits will probably lead to discussions as in the HMW, but personally I’d rather see all identifiable taxa identified as is done here. Thanks to all the Lynx team for continuing to provide such useful tools. Cheers. Eric

  3. 英语

    Mark (验证用户)

    These books are truly great. It is incredibly valuable to see the richness of the mammalian world, and the necessity to protect it. A great number of ‘new’ species has been described, some of them hiding in plain sight as so-called cryptic species. I am sure that anyone with an above average interest in the natural world will be able to appreciate these books for years to come.

  4. 英语

    Rudolf van der Schaar (验证用户)

    The most important and necessary innovation compared to the 9 Mammal volumes are the improved Primates images.

  5. 英语

    Hans Moolhuizen (验证用户)

    These books are an absolutely fantastic addition for everyone who’s interested in mammals.
    Magnificent illustrations, dozens of new species described and pictured, new illustations of (all?) the primates, updated taxonomy etc.
    A very usefull update of the HMW volumes but if you don’t own these still a great buy.

  6. 英语

    Thijs (验证用户)

    Fantastic books, (mostly) beautiful drawings (although some monkeys like Gibbons, Orangutans and Uacaris look very silly without a branch in their hands), many new species, useful distribution maps.
    I wanted to give 5 stars, but after the promising foreword I was very disapointed to find out there’s one mammal missing, one primate: Homo sapiens. I truely cannot believe this crucial mistake! I found no explanation in the books. Is it because of some religion (again)? I can’t think of any other reason.
    The best way to conserve the natural world and it’s mammals, is to finally start teaching all people we are primates too: just one of the many animals!

    • 英语

      Elisa Badia

      The Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World is based on the Handbook of the Mammals of the World series and it follows the same criteria. In the introduction of HMW Volume 3, devoted to Primates, the following paragraph explains why Homo sapiens is not included in the series:

      “Last, but certainly not least, we have ourselves, Homo sapiens, a single species that occurs on all continents except Antarctica, and is the most adaptable, successful, and destructive mammal on Earth. Given that we would need volumes to describe the amazing behavioral, ecological, cultural, and technological diversity of our own species, we have decided to exclude it from this volume, and to focus instead only on the non-human members of the Order of which we are a part.”

  7. 英语

    Lea Blättler (验证用户)

    Great book, there are two or three things that you could make better:
    1. We miss the country borders in the maps. It would make them much easier to read in details. In the book “All the birds of the world” there are borders in the maps. Why not in the mammal book?
    2. I prefer, having the drawings in the same order as the text.
    3. My husband would love to have an index in both books but we understand that this would make the book even bigger.

    Thank you, for publishing such a compact and affordable book.

  8. 英语

    Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne

    This boxed set of two volumes represents yet another scientific and publishing milestone by Lynx Edicions. For the first time in human history, every known extant mammal species is illustrated in a two volume set. To pick the two volumes up and to know every mammal described to science is in them, is something special. It is hard to think of anyone with a deep interest in mammals who would not want to have these two volumes. For someone who writes and photographs natural history field guides, it is an invaluable reference. I just wish this updated taxonomic work had come out earlier and made my last project, ‘A Naturalist’s Guide to the Mammals of Sri Lanka’ a little easier.

    The ‘Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World’ (ICMW) is a continuation of over a decade of effort that preceded it with the ‘Handbook of the Mammals of the World’ (HMW). The HMW was published in nine volumes between January 2009 and October 2019; a span of ten years. The HMW was a massive collaborative effort involving a large team of expert authors and artists working with a fair sized team of editors and administrative staff. The ICMW draws heavily on the original text and artwork of the HMW, but has been updated as a number of significant changes have taken place in both the number of species described as well as in the taxonomy of mammals.

    The species are arranged in a phylogenetic order which represents their evolutionary history. Therefore, it becomes apparent that whales and dolphins are more closely related to deer than horses are to deer. Mammal systematics are discussed in the introductory pages and we learn that the book leans towards a Phylogenetic Species Concept. Volume 1 covers Monotremes to Rodents and Volume 2 covers Eulipotyphles to Carnivores. The ICMW is not just a catalogue of pictures executed to a high standard. There is brief text facing each plate. The text for the species accounts is divided into Orders, Families, Subfamilies, Tribes and Genera. The families are in white text against a shaded bar allowing for easy visual navigation. The front and back inside covers have a visual index to each of the families containing the page numbers as well as the number of genera and species. The text for each species summarises its taxonomy and distribution. Where subspecies are present, the distribution is described at subspecies level. English, French and German names are provided with alternative common English names. The IUCN threat category and the reference to the HMW volume and page number are given. The plates have a distribution map next to each species, with some mammals’ distinctive subspecies also being illustrated.

    Much of the design of the book follows the design principles developed in other Lynx titles to enable the reader to navigate and find information easily. However, I am very surprised that unlike in the two volume ‘Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World’ and the recent ‘All the Birds of the World’, they did not include the common English name in prominent font next to the scientific name. This does improve the aesthetics of the plates. Many people will find it pleasurable just to browse through the plates and feast their eyes on the remarkable diversity of mammals. However, it is a tad irksome to keep glancing at the text opposite the plates to look up the common name. Another departure from improving the popular appeal of the book, is the cover. The cover uses an evolutionary tree which undoubtedly captures the essence of what this publication is about. The downside is that it is rather ‘techy’ and lacks the mass appeal (and hence sales potential) of a stunning cover image as was the case with ‘All the Birds of the World’.

    I can only speculate that it may be a conscious decision by the editors and publisher to signal that this is a serious taxonomic work. Perhaps a popular version, an ‘All the Mammals of the World’ is yet to come. The taxonomic notes for each species are undoubtedly a key strength of the book. Let me give an example. Because I write field guides, I have a practical need to understand the current status of the Golden Jackal Canis aureus which has been split based on molecular work, from the African Golden Wolf Canis lupaster. The concise text (with citations) coupled with the distribution maps makes it all clear very quickly. The taxonomic notes on the African Golden Wolf refer to terms such as ‘nomen dubium’, type specimen and nomenclatural concepts such as the oldest available name. These are not as forbidding as they may seem and the section on nomenclature (page 33) in the introduction explain this clearly in plain language. This section even has the technical terms in bold face to help people who are new to taxonomic terminology. The introduction (pages 23 – 40) is written well, starting with a history on mammal record keeping and an entertaining anecdote on how Oldfield Thomas went on to describe 927 species which are still valid today. The heavily referenced discussion on mammalian phylogeny can be skipped over by the casual enthusiast. But there are good and accessible sections on speciation, species concepts and biogeography. Important taxonomic concepts such as whether a group is monophyletic, paraphyletic or polyphyletic is explained clearly with the use of diagrams.

    Presenting it in two volumes helps with handling, but with a combined weight of 6.4 kg, each volume is still rather heavy and not one you would carry in your day pack to read on the commute to work. With over 7,150 illustrations describing 6,554 species in 27 orders and 167 families, this is a remarkable work. Volume 2 in the end sections contains a listing of key references (pages 467 to 477).

    With small mammals such as rodents, you expect point endemics confined to very small geographical areas. However, browsing through the book you notice that this can be the case even for large ungulates such as the species of Topi found in Africa. I had not quite appreciated that the Serengeti Topi I had seen in Africa was so range restricted. The illustrations (mainly by Toni Llobet) are drawn in the photo realism style. They are pleasing to people who have spent a lot of time watching mammals in the wild and like accuracy. However, it is important to be mindful that this is an illustrated checklist as it says on the cover. It is not a field guide and with many of the smaller mammals and the much larger cetaceans, for different reasons, the illustrations in this book cannot suffice as a field guide. Additional illustrations, photographs and text are needed for a field guide. That of course does not diminish the joy of being able to have all the world’s mammals in front of you and to idly thumb through, discovering mammals you have never seen before or whose existence you had not been aware of.

    Many of the world’s mammals are small, nocturnal species (and often with restricted distributions). For example, the rodents include two families, the Cricetidae (true hamsters, voles, lemmings etc.) with 807 species and the Muridae (true mice and rats, etc.) with 851 species. The Soricidae (shrews) have 454 species. The 21 families of bats have 1,423 species. These examples add up to over 3,500 species or a little over half the world’s species of mammals. A book that only focuses on mammals that wildlife tourists are likely to see may only contain thirty to forty per cent of the world’s species. Therefore, publications such this which are a complete inventory are a reminder not only of how diverse mammals are, but the challenges ahead to conserve wild places for mammals in a race against extinction.

  9. 英语

    Valter Moura

    Great work!
    What is the next handbook series? Reptiles and amphibians of the world??? It will be amazing…

  10. 英语

    Mansur (验证用户)

    The book is considered a summary of the complete series, its showing the geographical distribution with maps of all species (if you have illustrated checklist for birds , it is similar to it), the sequence of order here differs from the series, for example, marine mammals are divided (whales and dolphins) and after many pages (seals), herbivores (vol 2 in The series) is divided here into several parts (distributed in two volumes) about primate illustrated I see it here better than the (vol 3 in the series) and more accurate and logical, but it does not display subspecies as there. There are updates for some species in In various order and families.
    In the end, we thank the Lynx for this great achievement, a dream and a reality … and we ask ourselves what is next? I wish fishes!

  11. 英语

    acharat (验证用户)

    Once again a phantastic work, just like HMW, HBW and the Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World. Nevertheless there are a few points that could be better, especially in comparison with the Bird Checklist:
    1. Some species / subspecies illustrations are omitted, although they are depicted in HMW (e.g. Chimpanzees, Gorilla gorilla diehli, Llama, Alpaka, Dromedary, etc.). This causes a slight feeling of incompleteness. But I have got HMW as well, so it is not so bad for me. But I think someone who buys the checklist only might be a little disappointed.
    2. The bird checklist included many illustrations of extinct species, even if their extinction happened several decades or even centuries ago (Dodo, Rodriguez solitaire, Great auk, Passenger pigeon, King Island emu etc.). This was a really great idea and I appreciated it very much. Unfortunately the mammals checklist hasn’t this feature. If there had been only twenty or thirty pages more, all this could have been included.
    All in all, although generally a wonderful checklist, the Illustrated Checklist of the Birds of the World is slightly better due to the mentioned points.

  12. 英语

    Joseph Nicholson (验证用户)

    Lynx knocks it out of the park again with the Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World. As someone that owns the Birds Checklist and All the birds World, I always use them for both my artworks and taxonomy, and Mammals is gonna do just the same, with some great illustrations from HMW and a great summary of the taxonomic history, which compared to Birds, less uniform and oddly understudied with many bird lists that only differ by a few hundred species or so, while for mammals its really only have IUCN which really slow with updates and the ASM Mammal Diversity Database, which is heavy based on the HMW with some updates, so this really is a great taxonomic reference, even if you disagree with some of the lumps or splits, which I assume a lot of people did with the Bovidae and the general following of the Phylogenetic species concept, which is notorious for over splitting when genetic evidence other species concepts aren’t taken into account . While I do have a lot of good to say about the mammal checklist, I do have more critiques that the bird checklists, which a few have be mentioned and will give my thoughts on, which maybe be because of this Pandemic or other reasons.

    1. Some of the sizes of animals, the humpback whales compared to the grey whales are the clearest example, which are the same size or slightly bigger in life but tiny in the checklist, which i assume is for space reasons but the grey not being corrected for to compensate for was a little odd and some of the illustrations where printed a little to small to get a good view (Brydes, omura’s common and Antarctic minkies and the Jaguar and Leopards are some examples). With the smaller page count of this series compared to the Birds checklist, being half the size, a few dozens more pages would work well and still be a good sized book

    2. Some of the illustrations for the primates were a little odd, and while Stephen D. Nash drawings are great, his style feels still a little out of place alongside the new primates ones, and they kept his tamarins illustrations which feels a little out of place with the new ones that fit more coherently with the other illustrations within the book.

    3. Keeping the Extinct and Domesticated animals without illustrations while the Bird one does feel a little odd, and some were already illustrated for the Marsupial handbook, would have made great additions to a Extinct appendix and a Domesticated appendix with illustrations of some cool recently extinct animals like the Steller’s sea Cow, Aurochs, Bluebuck …even some of the weird giant lemurs from Madagascar would have made a fun addition to the book

    4. While keeping homo sapiens out is understandable, I feel like a short summary on the our taxonomic history would have been cool, maybe even some illustrations to show how variable humans are, although not adding them for political reasons is understandable.

  13. 英语

    Joseph Nicholson (验证用户)

    Lynx knocks it out if the park once again with the Illustrated Checklist of the Mammals of the World. I already own both the Bird checklist and all birds of the world, these are great references for me, for both my own art and quick taxonomic references, and the Mammal checklist is no different, with great art all throughout the book to show off the diversity of mammals in the same way as the Birds did. I really love looking though all the wonderful illustrations and a short summary of the animals taxonomic history is really useful when you need to check or just want to know a species taxonomic history quick and easy without looking too hard. Unlike Birds with Major species lists that are generally very consistent with each other with only a few dozens species separating them, the only other mammal list not based on HMW is the ICUN Red list, which can be very slow to update, so makes this book a very good refence even if you may disagree with the some of the choices they went with, like retaining the controversial Bovidae taxonomy from Groves and Grubb, 2011 and a general use of the Phylogenetic species concept, which can be prone to over splitting due to minor physical differences when not coupled with genetic or any other lines of evidence but the small summary’s with different interpterion’s explained this so this does not bother me much, and even if you don’t agree with splits still holds a lot of useful information. While I have so much good to say about this one, This one seams to be a little more lackluster than the Birds checklist, which ill mention here, but overall pretty minor and some have been pointed out but I want to give my thoughts.

    1. Some of the sizes of the illustrations are a little small both in terms of the size comparison (The grey whale and humpback whales are the most obvious example, only being half the length of the grey while they get to very similar lengths or even slight longer in life ) and in terms of there print size (The Leopard/Jaguar page and the part with the Brides/Omura’s/ Common minke and Antarctic minke are obvious example ). with both these books being smaller than the Bird checklist, a dozen more pages to fit them in slightly better would have been a good idea.

    2. The new primate illustrations are all wonderful, the great ape ones in particular are incredible, but some subspecies where left out (chimp subspecies/ G. g. diehli) and some of Stephen D. Nash’s illustrations were kept for the tamarin’s which are good but don’t really fit with the style of the rest of them, would have been awesome to have them redone too, but I assume a time constraint or Covid-19 may have impacted that.

    3. Leaving Homo Sapiens out was a bit of an odd decision, and while I think their exclusion from HMW makes sense due to all the information and focusing on the non human primates, having them in here with maybe a couple illustrations in our own incredible variations between our own species, a small summary of our taxonomy, maybe even mentioning our hybridization with other species like Neanderthals and Denisovans, helping bride the human animal gap and having us with our relative’s to compare

    4. The Bird checklist had a wonderful appendix with Extinct species of bird lost to us over the last 500 years, yet the Mammal Checklist does not, it still mentions them but there’s no illustrations to be found which is a little disappointing . Having a nice painting of a Steller’s Sea Cow, Aurochs, Bluebuck, all those lost Caribbean rodents and solenodons, and maybe even the weird Giant lemurs Palaeopropithecus ingens and Archaeolemur edwardsi. The fact these guys aren’t illustrated is a little saddening, and having a small appendix for these extinct animals and even another for Domesticated animals, which were also sadly missed out, and with the smaller book size as I mentioned would have fit in perfectly .

    Thank you very much for reading my review and I hope you the best with getting this book, truly is worth it. now this gets me curious…with there be a similar “New Species and Global Index” Special Volume for the mammal checklist? seams it might be a little short a time for that, since the birds one was over the span of 2 decades, while this mammals was only 1, with new mammals being described slower due to mammals being lest specious, although could be cool to include extinct species into that to make a big enough volume, just my thoughts.

    And what of the next Handbook series… I have a feeling it may either be Reptiles or Amphibians, either are more likely to me since Amphibians number less species and could get finished quicker with only 8,000 species to Reptiles 11,000 although Reptiles may prove to be more popular. Really excited to me more in the future form Lynx, Hoping for a NZ bird and mammal field guide and whatever fun books that are planned

  14. 英语

    Tom Tew

    If I had to take ‘one’ book with me to an imaginary desert island it would be the HMW set and, if they didn’t allow that, then it would be the Illustrated Checklist on it’s own. A stunning achievement.

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HMW 系列中所有物种的彩色插图,包括独特的亚种和形态,并附有大量更正和新图。



每个物种都可方便地与 HMW 系列中的卷次和页码相互参照。


2020 年《世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录》中各物种当前的官方 IUCN 类别。


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