Atlas Mitológico de Grecia


This atlas, entitled Atlas Mitológico de Grecia (Mythological Atlas of Greece), is based on the first-hand, exhaustive information about Greek mythology that is found in the literary works of antiquity.

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Product code: VIA0001

ISBN: 978-84-87334-43-6

SKU: VIA0001 Categories: ,


1.97 kg


21 × 24 cm







Publishing date

November 2002

Published by

Lynx Edicions


This atlas, entitled Atlas Mitológico de Grecia (Mythological Atlas of Greece), is based on the first-hand, exhaustive information about Greek mythology that is found in the literary works of antiquity. After extracting and abridging this information, the author then organized it according to a comprehensive map of present-day Greece.

This book is much more than a reference work – it is meant to actually be used. For, not only does it include a unique catalogue of all of the places of ancient Greece and a description of the state they are currently in, but also a complete list of the literary sources that refer to each place and myth. Moreover, for each of the mythological characters that are cited throughout the various works of the classical writers there is a single account in which this wealth of information is compiled, not to mention the carefully chosen and evocative selection of photographs and literary references, and the extremely detailed and up-to-date travel map of Greece.


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