Mammals of South AsiaAfghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka

(1 ressenya de client)


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Aquesta llista il·lustrada cobreix el sud d’Àsia (Afganistan, Pakistan, Índia, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangla Desh i Sri Lanka), una regió amb una gran diversitat d’hàbitats, especialment rica en grans mamífers i que atrau nombrosos observadors de vida salvatge. Tot i que no és una guia de camp tradicional, aquest llibre dotarà tant als residents com als visitants de la regió d’un recurs fàcil d’utilitzar que els permetrà conèixer ràpidament les 540 espècies de mamífers que es coneixen a la zona. Aquest llibre forma part de la col·lecció Lynx Illustrated Checklists creada a partir de la gran riquesa de dades, il·lustracions i mapes compilats per a la sèrie Handbook of the Mammals of the World , que s’han destil·lat en llibres útils i portàtils per a la vostra visita a una destinació específica.

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Codi de producte: ILM0002

SKU: ILM0002 Categories: , , , Etiqueta:

“En general, Mammals of South Asia és un llibre excel·lent i molt útil per a qualsevol viatge al subcontinent indi.

Tant de bo que Lynx ja estigui treballant en una guia de camp, però mentrestant us recomanaria molt portar aquest volum prim, que només pesa 400 g (menys d’1 lliure), en qualsevol viatge d’observació d’aus o de vida salvatge als països que cobreix “.

Frank Lambert, The Birder’s Library , 12 de gener de 2021

“Mammals of South Asia és un manual bellament il·lustrat per portar amb tu a qualsevol d’aquests països fascinants i rics en vida salvatge, i si els mamífers no són el teu interès principal, agrairàs que només pesi 400 g. Molt recomanable”.

Dragan Simic, 10.000 ocells , octubre de 2020

“Tot i que Vivek Menon té una guia de camp completa sobre els mamífers de l’Índia, no conec res que cobreixi tots els mamífers de cap dels altres països de la regió, així que aquest és un llibre inestimable per a qualsevol que viatgi al Nepal i Sri Lanka. per exemple. Tenir tot enumerat en un llibre fa que sigui molt més fàcil identificar espècies més petites en particular, o almenys reduir el ventall de possibilitats. Fins ara, intentar identificar un ratolí nepalí o un ratpenat bhutanès significaria hores de temps a Google, o lliscar cap enrere i cap endavant el Manual de mamífers del món. Podeu descarregar la vostra pròpia llista de mamífers per acompanyar el llibre quan en compreu un”.

Jon Hall, Mammal Watching, 15 de setembre de 2020


0.4 kg


14 × 22.8 cm





Data de publicació

gener 2020


Aquesta llista il·lustrada cobreix el sud d’Àsia (Afganistan, Pakistan, Índia, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangla Desh i Sri Lanka), una regió amb una gran diversitat d’hàbitats, especialment rica en grans mamífers i que atrau nombrosos observadors de vida salvatge. Tot i que no és una guia de camp tradicional, aquest llibre dotarà tant als residents com als visitants de la regió d’un recurs fàcil d’utilitzar que els permetrà conèixer ràpidament les 540 espècies de mamífers que es coneixen a la zona.

Aquest llibre forma part de la col·lecció Lynx Illustrated Checklists creada a partir de la gran riquesa de dades, il·lustracions i mapes compilats per a la sèrie Handbook of the Mammals of the World , que s’han destil·lat en llibres útils i portàtils per a la vostra visita a una destinació específica.

Característiques destacades:

  • Breus textos descriptius
  • Indicacions dels principals hàbitats utilitzats
  • Mapes de distribució que inclouen les últimes dades publicades
  • Almenys una il·lustració per espècie, complementada en alguns casos per d’altres que mostren diferències entre sexes, subespècies o diversos morfs de color.

1 ressenya per Mammals of South AsiaAfghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka

  1. English

    Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne

    This is the second volume in a series that is a spin-off from the monumental Handbook of the Mammals off the World (HMW). It is a useful addition to the growing literature on mammals of this part of the world and especially so as it is the first book to provide an illustrated reference to all of the mammals in this region. Furthermore, the taxonomy is up-to-date. This region has the highest number of mammals after Africa, reinforcing the usefulness of this guide which covers 540 species. The geographical area covered by this book spans a group of countries referred to as South Asia but as the brief three page introduction points out, this area is better referred to as South Central Asia. All of the countries in this region were on the Indian tectonic plate which collided with mainland Asia on the Eurasian tectonic plate about 55-25 million years ago. This created the towering Himalayas and a region which is very varied physically from ice clad mountains to dry deserts to lush rainforests close to the equator.

    Although I now live and work in London, I grew up in Sri Lanka and not surprisingly I am a great fan of this book as it fills a gap for a portable and affordable book that covers all of the species. The editorial team is careful to point out that this is an illustrated checklist that aims to show at a glance the species in a family found in the region. The caveating is good as although the quality of the text and illustrations surpasses many field guides published in the past, in this day and age expectations from a field guide are higher. Readers expect more images and text to help tell apart difficult species. However, I do see it taking on the role of a field guide in the absence of a local field guide. Furthermore, with the majority of the larger, diurnal mammals it would be adequate. However, with groups such as shrews, bats and mice, which represent a significant proportion of the mammalian fauna, it will require a skilled naturalist photographer to take ID oriented photographs alongside mammal trapping (which would require research permits) to produce a book that would be sufficiently detailed to work as a field guide. Or else it will require a highly skilled natural history artist to produce a number of accurate and detailed illustrations. When it comes to cetaceans, a field guide which is to be of practical use requires a series of images taken with the animal surfacing to help whale watchers identify species. I recently completed a ‘A Naturalist’s Guide to the Mammals of Sri Lanka’ which covers 96% of the mammals recorded in Sri Lanka. I extensively used photographs from small mammal researchers to illustrate the book. Many species of bats had three to five photographs each to illustrate ID characters. In the Illustrated checklist most species have only one illustration. If a similar treatment had been adopted, the checklist would be heavy and expensive and be anything from 500 -750 pages.

    However, if you take this book for what it is and approach it with reasonable expectations, it is a useful book. Let’s say hypothetically a superb field guide exists for Southern India. I would still take this book on a trip to that part of India as it is useful to see in the Illustrated Checklist how for example the ranges of the Northern Palm Squirrel and Indian Palm Squirrel overlap. Browsing the checklist beforehand alerts you as to which ID characters to look for and to photograph in the field when you encounter species that could be confused with another. The layout in this book is similar to the preceding title in the series. Each species has brief text which covers identification, habitat, distribution, with typically a single illustration and a distribution map with the text. It’s a slight departure from the popular field guide format which has a facing plate of illustrations. But this layout is more space efficient and allows six to eight species to be covered in a double page spread.

    The distribution maps which derive from the authoritative HMW are fascinating and lead one to ask questions. Why are hedgehogs absent from Sri Lanka? If the Golden Jackal made it into Sri Lanka, why is the Indian Fox absent? The Illustrated Checklist can also be a trip planner. If you are a wolf fan and would like to see a Grey Wolf in South Asia, which part of India should you target? One caveat; in the absence of quadrat based recording schemes and a huge amount of survey effort, the maps are not very precise and should be interpreted as indicative. The maps may have the occasional omission (e.g. Hog Deer has a population in Sri Lanka). It will take several decades of field work for the situation with the maps to improve.

    Fifty-six families of mammals (including the introduced camels) are covered in this slim volume and it will be an eye opener to many people in the region as to how rich South Asia is for mammals. It is a very good starting point to inspire locals to take an interest in the mammals in the region and I am sure it will inspire young people to pursue a career in zoology. In countries such as India as the economy grows, more people are able to afford state-of-the-art digital photographic gear. Amateur wildlife photographers will be inspired by books like this to take more pictures of the smaller and more elusive mammals. This in turn will help authors and publishers of more detailed photographic field guides. Lynx Edicions are a remarkable and evolving publishing story that have combined science with a sustainable model of commercial publishing. I suspect in time to come, the Illustrated Checklists may pave the way for full-blown country specific field guides combining illustrations with photographs in the way in which the Helm Identification guides have developed for family monographs. The efforts of Lynx Edicions to improve science through publishing will improve the skill set which all publishers draw upon and help the natural history publishing industry to grow their business. It will also help to grow wildlife tourism which ultimately will be key to conservation as conservation works best when it is aligned to an economic agenda. Anyone with an interest in the mammals of South Asia will find this book a useful addition to their bookshelf.

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