All the Birds of the World

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这是有史以来第一次,您可以在一本简单易用、图文并茂的单行本中欣赏到世界上所有的鸟类。 本书面向广大读者,从鸟类新手到鸟类专家,以及任何对鸟类的壮观多样性感兴趣的人,每个人都能在书中找到适合自己的内容。


产品代码 MON0039

ISBN: 978-84-16728-37-4

SKU: MON0039 分类: , 标签:

The BB/BTO Best Bird Book of the Year 2021 – 2ND PLACE

“A book featuring and illustrating, quite literally, every bird in the world was deemed to be one of the most exciting titles on the shortlist, and the culmination of many decades of work by Lynx Edicions and Josep del Hoyo. With other, more-extensive incarnations of the same work available… the judges felt that this title represented more of a luxury product – to leaf through (and drool over) – rather than a reference work per se, but that did nothing to detract from the beauty and exceptional quality of All the Birds of the World. The judges agreed that the title offered something for everyone.”

British Birds, 115, p 100, February 2022

“Ce nouveau volume, d’une facture digne de la qualité à laquelle nous ont habitués les éditions Lynx, veut faire honneur à la gent ailée qui nous touche, en jetant des ponts entre le scientifique, le passionné et le profane. Il est non seulement une ouverture sur la diversité, mais surtout une fenêtre sur l’exhaustivité mise à disposition du plus grand nombre, par l’intermédiaire d’images, de pictogrammes et de l’interactivité du monde numérique, auquel l’ouvrage donne facilement accès. C’est un pari que seules les éditions Lynx pouvaient tenter et qui mérite d’être honoré, y compris par un public non anglophone.”

Bertrand Posse, Nos Oiseaux, No 544, Volume 68/2, p 84, June 2021

“The editor, artists, design and production teams, and publisher are to be applauded for producing a handsomely illustrated and well-organized compendium that distils key information on all of the birds of the world, with convenient links to an ever-growing repository of images, videos, and vocal recordings.”

Mark F. Reigner, The Quarterly Review of Biology, Vol. 96, pp 136-137

“The more I looked at this book the more I liked it. I am going to use it to keep my world list and will use the QR codes to get more detailed info on any species I am interested in. For those who cannot afford or do not want all the previous volumes this might indeed open up access to the fascinating world of bird species.”

Steve Hunter, British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), February 2021

“The premise of All the Birds of the World is ostensibly simple. Across sumptuous double-page spreads that are efficiently packed without feeling overcrowded, every bird species in the world (and more about that later) receives one or more stunning illustrations and a distribution map – so you know what it looks like and where it lives. But this book is so much more than that.

Diagnosably different subspecies (and more about that later too) are illustrated. And there is a mass of information crammed into very little space. In barely 25 cm2 typically allocated per species, enough detail is provided for the reader to glean that creature’s essence, and to whet the appetite to learn more.”

James Lowen, Neotropical Birding 28, pp 75-76

“I’m also having great fun browsing All the Birds of the World, published by Lynx last year. It’s a truly incredible book: more than 20,000 illustrations detailing every single one of the world’s 11,524 bird species. It’s an absolute joy to spend time with – but the appendix on every bird known to have gone extinct since the year 1500 is sobering. 

Penny Sarchet, New Scientist. 20 April 2021

Birding Book Club: Best of 2020

ABA podcast presents the Best Bird Books of 2020. “10,000 Birds” book review columnist Donna Schulman and “Birding” media review editor Frank Izaguirre join host Nate Swick to run down their favorites for 2020. It’s an honor that “All the Birds of the World” is on the “Top 5” list for all three of them!

American Birding Association (ABA) Podcast, 10 December 2020

“Even though I have had All the Birds of the World book for only a couple of weeks, I have referred to it regularly for various reasons, but most often as bedside reading since it is an enjoyable way to browse through all the birds of the world, while dreaming about some post-pandemic birding and considering where my priorities should lie. Considering its size and the enormous amount of information contained within, it is incredibly good value for money, and I would highly recommend this book to anyone with a passion for the world of birds, particularly those interested in current taxonomic thinking, serious birders, and listers.”

The Birder’s Library, 19 November 2020

“RECOMMENDATION: A must have for anyone with an interest in the World’s birds! The feature I like the most is the “ Taxonomic Circle” which compares the taxonomies of the four major World bird lists.”

Ian Paulsen, The BirdBooker Report, 10 December 2020

“All the Birds of the World is also a door stopper of a book with 967 pages and weighing 4.8 kg. It is yet another publishing and zoological milestone. The fact that the first print run sold out so quickly says it all. Which person interested in birds would not want this book? There is something wondrous about holding a book in ones hands and knowing that it has every single bird species in the world; 11,524 taxons, 20,865 illustrations and 11,558 distribution maps. For a book of its size and importance, it was priced attractively in its initial offer. All of this for Euro 65 is an outstanding offering.”

Gehan de Silva Wijeyeratne, 1 November 2020

“This book is amazing. If you are interested in birds, or if you need a gift for someone who is, take a look at this volume. This 967-page book contains a series of excellent color illustrations of all of the 11,324 known bird species of the world. For each species, both sexes are illustrated, if they differ, and many races are included—20,865 illustrations in all.”

Dan Tallman, Dan Tallman’s Bird Blog, 8 December 2020

“Por primera vez en la historia de la cultura y la investigación naturalista, la espectacular diversidad de aves de este planeta vivo se reúne con todo detalle en un trabajo riguroso, amable y completísimo. Un único libro colosal que rebasa las expectativas de todos aquellos amantes de la naturaleza que tienen la cabeza llena de pájaros. Algo que ya ha sido calificado por los aficionados de «vicio pajarero de suprema calidad.”

Eduardo Viñuales, El Heraldo de Aragón, 21 January 2021



4.7 kg


24 × 31 厘米






Lynx Edicions


要购买《世界上所有的鸟类》和《世界上所有的哺乳动物》套装,请点击并节省 9 欧元


这是有史以来第一次,您可以在一本简单易用、图文并茂的单行本中欣赏到世界上所有的鸟类。 本书面向广大读者,从鸟类新手到鸟类专家,以及任何对鸟类的壮观多样性感兴趣的人,每个人都能在书中找到适合自己的内容。

  • 介绍四大世界物种名录中被接受为物种的所有分类群:共计 11524 种。
  • 20865 幅插图涵盖了性二型、形态和许多独特的亚种。
  • 11 558 幅分布图,并附有海拔范围说明。
  • 标出了所有 3313 个一国特有物种。
  • 世界自然保护联盟/鸟类生命国际组织给予的保护地位。
  • 四大世界名录对每个物种的分类处理和比较。
  • 术语差异解释。
  • 包括来自 eBird 的所有英文和科学名称。
  • 通过 QR 码可以即时访问视频、照片和录音,按物种逐一显示。
  • 用于保存个人记录的复选框。
  • 自 1500 年以来已知灭绝的所有物种都在各自的附录中单独列出。
  • 世界彩色参考地图集》共 37 页,附有鸟类学家和鸟类学家感兴趣的相关详细信息。
  • 浏览世界上所有鸟类的最简单、最愉快的方式。



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