

Toni Llobet

Toni Llobet (b. Barcelona, 1975) is a self-taught wildlife artist and naturalist, with a wide knowledge of field naturalism, geography and environmental issues. As well as being a field sketcher and traditional painter, he is a master of digital illustration technique, which allows him to work to high levels of both accuracy and productivity.

More than two decades as a wildlife artist – his first illustrations were created in his early teens for local bulletins and guides – have yielded a wide range of material and publications, from interpretation boards for Natural Parks to environmental computer games and websites, as well as children’s books on endangered species, T-shirts, posters, information panels, logos, leaflets, guides, and books and other material for organizations and government bodies both in Catalonia and abroad, such as the Catalan Institute for Ornithology, the Durrell Wildlife Preservation Trust, Greenpeace, WWF, the Swedish ministry of the Environment and the UNEP-MAP programme. The Catalan Bird Breeding Atlas 1999-2002 was one of his most important projects prior to the challenge of illustrating the Handbook of the Mammals of the World.