Grans mamífers de Catalunya i AndorraDistribució, biologia, ecologia i conservació
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Critics’ Award SERRA D’OR for research 2024 (Sciences)
3.3 kg
24 × 31 × 8 cm
Publishing date
September 2023
Published by
Lynx Edicions
Discover the definitive work on the large mammals of Catalonia and Andorra. This unique book provides a comprehensive and updated overview of 49 species of lagomorphs, carnivores, ungulates, cetaceans, and large rodents found in the region. Over 100 specialists have collaborated on this project to offer a rigorous synthesis of knowledge spanning biology, ecology, conservation, and management.
With an innovative structure, the book combines species-focused chapters with thematic articles addressing key issues such as diseases, human-wildlife conflicts, tourism, and the impact of ungulates on vegetation. It also features chapters tackling current challenges, such as the inbreeding of brown bears or the expansion of invasive species like the coypu.
- Detailed information about each species, with updated data on distribution, biology, and human interactions.
- Over 2,000 bibliographic references.
- High-quality graphs, maps, illustrations, and photographs.
- Specialized articles exploring topics such as community management, the ecological impact of large mammals, and their relationship with tourism.
This book is more than a guide; it is a scientific compendium and a tribute to the natural richness of Catalonia and Andorra. Designed for both specialists and nature enthusiasts, it is an indispensable tool for understanding, conserving, and admiring the large mammals of the region.
List of Authors
Ivan Afonso Jordana | Àlex Aguilar Vila |
Albert Alemany | Associació Cetàcea |
Joan Barrull | Toni Batet |
Manel Beneria | Marc Bertran |
Anahí Bonilla | Assumpció Borrell Thió |
Xavier Buqueras | Óscar Cabezón Ponsoda |
David Camps | Albert Campsolinas |
Laura Carrera Faja | Pere Casals |
Francesc Cases | Pablo Cermeño |
Bernat Claramunt-López | Andreu Colom Cadena |
Joana Colomer | Anna Conde |
Joan Curià | Ignasi de Dalmases |
Eduard Degollada | Andrea Dias Alves |
Carles Domingo | Mariano Domingo Álvarez |
Johan Espunyes Nozieres | Pau Federico |
Quim Felip | Juan Fernández |
Lorena Fernández Arévalo | Mariona Ferrándiz-Rovira |
Joan Ferrer | Irene Figueroa Aguilar |
Carol García | Odei Garcia-Garin |
Miquel Àngel García-Reádigos | Lucía Garrido Sánchez |
Jordi Garriga | Oriol Giralt |
Araceli Gort | Sara Grau Camps |
Alain Grioche | Jordi Guillén |
Josep Guillén | Ricard Gutiérrez |
Elsa Jiménez | Juan Jiménez |
Josep Vicens Jovaní | Sílvia Juncà |
Gabriel Lampreave | Santiago Lavín |
Lourdes Lobato Bailón | Francesc Mañas |
Ignasi Marco Sánchez | Xavier Marco Sánchez |
Ricard Marcos | Enric Marquès |
Diego Martínez | Óscar Martínez |
Rosa Marsol | Abraham Mas |
Isabel Mate | Juli Mauri |
Yolanda Melero | Gregorio Mentavarre |
Berto Minobis | Oriol Miralles |
Ferran Navàs | Iván Darío Ocampo Cardona |
Xavier Olivé | Santiago Palazón Miñano |
Jordi Palau Puigvert | Alfonso Pera Contreras |
Maribel Pérez-Haro | Maria Piferrer |
César Piñol | Anna Planella |
Beatriz Portabella | Genís Puig i Surroca |
Maria Puig Ribas | Joan Lluis Riera-Rey |
Laura Riera | Eva Rizo |
Carme Rosell | Montserrat Rubio |
Jordi Ruiz-Olmo | Marc Ruiz-Sagalés |
Marta Sala | Salvador Salvador |
Damià Sánchez Requena | Jordi Sargatal |
Ferran Sayol | Xavier Sempere |
Emmanuel Serrano | Jordi Solà |
Àngel Such-Sanz | Jesús Tartera |
Marc Taüll | Arnau Tolrà |
Noé Torrent Barbecho | Beatriu Tort |
Montse Valls | Roser Velarde |
Joan Vidal | Marc Vilella |
Josep Xarles | Jordi Xifra |
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