Field Guide to the Birds of Machu Picchuand the Cusco Region, Peru


The Field Guide to the Birds of Machu Picchu and the Cusco Region is the result of a unique, three-continent collaboration between Barry Walker in Peru, Buteo Books in Virginia (USA), and Lynx Edicions in Barcelona. The text from previous versions of Barry Walker’s field guide has been completely rewritten and updated. Covering the nearly 500 species known to occur in the region, the individual species accounts provide details on habitat, behavior,  localizations, and occurrence. The 165 color plates on pages facing the text are drawn from illustrations painted for the monumental Handbook of the Birds of the World. This is a field guide with all the essentials to identify the bird in the field, yet compact and light enough to fit in a pocket or carry on the Inca Trail.

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Product code: GUI0033

ISBN: 978-84-96553-97-2

SKU: GUI0033 Categories: , ,

“This is a true field guide that will fit in a coat pocket yet nevertheless includes almost 500 species, each illustrated by one or two paintings and accompanied by snappy texts on the facing page. The artwork is very good overall.”

Christopher J. Sharpe, Neotropical Birding nº18


0.42 kg


12 × 20 cm







Publishing date

July 2015

Published by

Lynx Edicions


The extraordinary ruins of Machu Picchu, at an elevation above 2400 m, were among the most amazing creations of the Inca Empire at its height: its giant walls, terraces and ramps seem to have been cut out of continuous rock escarpments. This remote site lies on the eastern slope of the Andes on the upper reaches of the Amazon basin in a region exhibiting a rich diversity of flora and fauna. With the publication of this Field Guide to the Birds of Machu Picchu and the Cusco Region, visitors from all over the world can now appreciate and identify the birds of the mountains, valleys, and forests of this World Heritage Site.

The Field Guide to the Birds of Machu Picchu and the Cusco Region is the result of a unique, three-continent collaboration between Barry Walker in Peru, Buteo Books in Virginia (USA), and Lynx Edicions in Barcelona. The text from previous versions of Barry Walker’s field guide has been completely rewritten and updated. Covering the nearly 500 species known to occur in the region, the individual species accounts provide details on habitat, behavior,  localizations, and occurrence. The 165 color plates on pages facing the text are drawn from illustrations painted for the monumental Handbook of the Birds of the World. This is a field guide with all the essentials to identify the bird in the field, yet compact and light enough to fit in a pocket or carry on the Inca Trail. A section of the book contains a detailed guide to the best birding sites in the region and an annotated checklist, both of which will be of great value to the visiting birdwatcher.

  • 165 colour plates


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