En Robi i els pardals


Robi is a city boy who loves birds so much that he wants to be their friend and make them approach him without fear. The children from the village where he spends his holidays laugh at his crazy ideas; he doesn’t know as many things as they do about country life and animal behaviour. But Robi will encourage his friends to help him make his wishes come true, with a little bit of imagination and a lot of patience!

Non-fiction section about sparrows.

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Product code: ALES3002

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Robi is a city boy who loves birds so much that he wants to be their friend and make them approach him without fear. The children from the village where he spends his holidays laugh at his crazy ideas; he doesn’t know as many things as they do about country life and animal behaviour. But Robi will encourage his friends to help him make his wishes come true, with a little bit of imagination and a lot of patience!

Non-fiction section about sparrows.