Balbina tengo…tengo…


Balbina is a spoiled baby marmot who always wants her parents to do everything for her. Little by little, she will have to learn how to do things for herself. This very amusing story shows us that there are many things that we can do without the help of others, even though they might seem very difficult at the beginning. Balbina will also introduce us to her marmot family and to many other forest animals.

Non fiction section about marmots.


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Product code: ALES2004

SKU: ALES2004 Categories: ,

Balbina is a spoiled baby marmot who always wants her parents to do everything for her. Little by little, she will have to learn how to do things for herself. This very amusing story shows us that there are many things that we can do without the help of others, even though they might seem very difficult at the beginning. Balbina will also introduce us to her marmot family and to many other forest animals.

Non fiction section about marmots.